In this fast paced, over-stimulating world, kids are becoming

anxious, stressed and disconnected.

This is not the natural state for our young ones to be in.

Turn the tide and help kids sail forward feeling
confident, resilient and empowered.

In a fast paced, over-stimulating world,

are you seeing your kids becoming anxious

and showing signs of stress?

This is not the natural state for kids to be in.

Turn the tide

and see your kids sail forward

confident, resilient and empowered.

This 5-week course empowers kids,
7-12 years of age, to go on a quest

discovering "who am I"

as we navigate life.


body ~ breath ~ heart ~ mind ~ soul

The Great Quest helps kids discover the 5 layers of who we are ~

creating healthy bodies, positive mindsets, strong self-esteem...

with the skills to be the master of your ship,

living life on purpose,

sailing in the right direction!

Kids, you will...

  • experience the power of postures increasing body confidence

  • become besties with your breath, your reliable and reassuring friend

  • discover how relaxation & meditation can take you to magical spaces within

  • love & grow your unique traits, they are your super-powers

  • open to lessons from nature, deepening connections with Life

  • find answers to life's big questions - who am I & why am I here?

Parent/grandparent - you will...

  • reap the benefits of yoga stretches, mindfulness practices & relaxation

  • take yoga off the mat and experience connection & calm

  • give back to yourself, stop, rest, reset & fill your cup - you deserve it!

  • playful time with your inner child, being present & adding more joy to life

  • most precious benefit of all... connections deepening with the kids in your life

We all love a story, especially when we can relate to it in heart-moving ways.

On The Great Quest we go on a journey discovering our purpose in life as we travel with stories from Traya's Quest.

Traya, an 11 year old boy in Africa,
has the special ability to talk to the plants, animals and all of nature..
He can talk to people as well, but only he can hear the voices of the

trees, the flowers, bees and the lions,

and they in turn can hear and understand him.

The adventures of Traya, and the journey of the Great Quest, weave in and out of this 5-week course using text and images from the beautiful book Traya's Quest by Paulette Agnew.

The power of story can run deep into our consciousness. In this story, we'll learn about some of the Universe's spiritual knowledge, lessons from nature, and discover what it is to live in accordance with your dharma, your life's purpose.

Course inclusions for The Great Quest

1:1 enrolment call

Suzanna has a personal interest in every participant. She wants to get to know about you and your family in this half hour call, so you can have the best experience on this journey together.

Introduction videos

These set the scene for The Great Quest, explaining the WHY, the WHAT and the HOW so you can get the most out of the journey.

A taste of Traya's Quest

Each week we'll journey with Traya

through this beautiful story authored by Paulette Agnew. Together we'll journey on the Great Quest to find out about Dharma and what our Life Purpose is.

Weekly videos

Each week for the 5 weeks, beautifully recorded videos give you clear instruction on the practice for the day.
Each day the focus is on one of the layers - body, breath, heart, mind or soul.

Weekly worksheets

If we want to create change, it helps to reflect. Download the PDFs designed for each day's lesson, put them into a folder or scrapbook, and before too long your kids will have a special yoga journal.

Keep track of your quest

Stay on track with the tracking chart, helping your kids keep track of their progress, while keeping motivated on their yoga quest over the 5 weeks.

Zoom class

Join in live Zoom classes to connect in person, meet other mums & kids and to share our journeys.

There's also the possibility of live classes for people who live locally

Yoga classes for adults

Whether you're a parent or grandparent you can also benefit from this program. Treat yourself to a pre-recorded yoga class each week, including a deep relaxation to top up your cup.

Lifetime accessibility

You and your kids have 24-month access to the content covered in this 5-week Quest for you to revisit at your convenience.

When does
The Great Quest begin?
You can begin at any time that suits you or join a cohort of families in the school holidays.

** A Special Christmas Deal **

Do you have family/friends who also have kids 7-12 years of age?
Invite them to join and receive a 50% discount...

...and have twice the fun!

Course inclusions for the Great Quest

1:1 enrolment call

Suzanna has a personal interest in every one of the participants. She wants to get to know about you and your family in this half hour call, so you can have the best experience on this journey together.

Intro Videos

These set the scene for The Great Quest, explaining the WHY, the WHAT and the HOW so you can get the most out of the journey.

A taste of Traya's Quest

Each week we'll journey with Traya

through this beautiful story authored by Paulette Agnew. Together we'll journey on the Great Quest to find out about Dharma and what our Life Purpose is.

Weekly Videos

Each week for the 5 weeks, beautifully recorded videos give you clear instruction
on the practice for the day.

Weekly Worksheets

If we want to create change, it helps to reflect. Download the PDFs designed for each day's lesson, put them into a folder or scrapbook, and before long your kids have a special yoga journal.

Keep Track of your Quest

The tracking chart helps your kids keep track of their progress and stay motivated on their yoga journey.

Weekly Zoom Class

Join in live Zoom classes to connect in person, meet other mums & kids and to share our journeys.

Yoga Classes for Mums

Treat yourself to a 1 hour recorded yoga class each week, including a deep relaxation to top up your cup.


You and your kids have life-time access to the content that was covered in this 5-week Quest for you to revisit at your convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is The Great Quest for?

This program is designed for mums and primary school aged kids, around 7-12 years old.

How will the live classes be hosted?

The live sessions are presented on Zoom, although it may be possible to organise some face to face classes in Canberra.

What if the time of the Live Zoom class doesn't suit me?

We can hopefully negotiate a time that works for you, or give you access to the recording of the class.

What do we need in order to do this course?

This is an online course, so a computer, laptop or tablet is necessary.

Ideally have a special folder or scrapbook for your kid's journal.
It's recommended you print out the PDFs (and put them in the journal) or
you can simply view them online and write down the activities in the notebook/scrapbook journal.

How much time needs to be put aside for the course?

It's recommended that the kids do something each day which may take anywhere between 5 mins and 15 mins, for 5 days of the week. Each day will be different depending on the activity/task.
The aim is to build up skills and to create the habit of a daily practice/sadhana.

What is the price of this mums and kids 5 week yoga journey?

Only $247 AUD for everything!

Does it cost more if I have more than one child participating?

No, the price stays the same regardless of how many of your kids participate - bargain!

If I invite a friend, how does she get the 50% discount?

When booking, click on the Enter Coupon box, put in the code GZP23QR and click APPLY

When does it start?

The Great Quest starts when you're ready for it to start, unless you'd like to join the next cohort which will be in the summer school holidays.

What if I start then find my child/ren don't want to participate?

The full cost of the course will be refunded to you if you decide within the first week that the program is not working for you and/or your kid/s.

What if I don't finish it in this time frame?

That's not a problem as you get 24-month free access to the course material!

We dive deeply into the 5 Layers of "Who I Am"
over the course of the 5 weeks.

body ~ breath ~ heart ~ mind ~ soul

Physical Me

  • discover more about the body

  • learn yoga postures and stretches

  • explore the sun sequence in fun ways

Pranic Me

  • make best friends with the breath

  • become more aware of our life force energy

  • explore how changing the way we breathe can change how we feel

Heartful Me

  • tune into feelings and emotions

  • strengthen the muscle of the heart

  • take yoga off the mat in heartful ways

Mindful Me

  • deepen the mind-body connection

  • integrate mindful practices into your day

  • learn affirmations & visualisation to create change

Soulful Me

  • how to feed the soul

  • relax the body & still the mind to touch the soul

  • discover you have all you need within, to live authentically you

Hear what these mums have to say...

We found Suzanna’s Yoga course inspiring and bountiful. It is created with such love and contemplation with jewels of wisdom strewn throughout.

My 9yo daughter found the breathing techniques and yoga classes particularly moving and is still using the techniques weeks after finishing.
It is also wonderful to know we can return to the material to ‘refresh’ on particular things we loved or revisit a class.

Suzanna is a beautiful guide who shines peace and calm throughout her interactions. We highly recommend the Great Quest to anyone seeking truth, meaning and peace in their lives.

Felicity (and Olivia)

The content and delivery of this course was truly world class.


The Great Quest Yoga journey is a wonderful bonding experience with oneself and with family.
It's a unique journey to experience where we learn about ourselves, our children and Yoga through the journey of Traya
and with Suzanna as a wonderful guide.


Our family has been really blessed to have meet Suzanna. The Great Quest yoga journey allowed us to connect as a family and learn to listen to our bodies and nature. Namaste


My daughter and I shared a special connection, and it opened up discussions about our higher purpose that were amazing.

Exploring the different layers of our being was fun, thoughtful, calming, and beautifully connecting and we loved the connection to nature throughout.


A truly wonderful way to connect with other like-minded conscious parents and their children. This is a well-planned and effective method of exploring your whole-being and to help discover your own creative potential in a mindful way.

This course is very suitable for home-schooling families with engaging, interactive and science-based activities that support the videos. The content and story line saturates your imagination, is captivating and awakening.


The Great Quest was a wonderful experience. My daughter and I got a lovely chance to connect with each other while exploring some deep philosophy in a child-appropriate way, integrate nature and move in a mindful way.

The evening zoom classes were a beautiful way to unwind at the end of day, and the ability to practice at home was easy to fit into the week. We loved the Great Quest!


Why I feel passionate about this work!

I’m a mother of 2 boys. From the time my first son was born I had the ideal of being the best mother, creating an environment filled with love and positive experiences, giving my boys the best start in life.

After my second son was born, I found myself parenting as a single mother. The rosy, happy family I had dreamed of became uprooted to say the least.

My broken world was soon stitched together with a yoga teacher training course with Dru, from which I experienced transformation and a newfound purpose.

As a teacher with a Bachelor of Education, and then as a certified Dru yoga teacher, I asked the question —

Could these yoga practices work for kids in bringing about transformation?

Combining my experience, skills and knowledge, I laid the foundations for The Yoga Garden, creating programs for children and young people - to grow with an awareness of their inner world and how to thrive in their outer world. Nearly 20 years later, I’ve seen many kids come to places of true delight and authentic empowerment.

On reflection of my life journey, and how the practices of yoga, breath work and meditation helped me come back home to myself, I've often thought... how good it would have been if I had these skills when I was a kid?

The feelings of not being good enough and the grooves of self-doubt would have been replaced with that of inner strength and confidence. I could have saved myself so much pain and struggle. If only I knew back then, what I know now!

So how do we motivate kids to be proactive with activities that create positive grooves in their life programming and how do we help them establish their daily practices in fun and practical ways.

It’s been heart-warming and rewarding creating techniques that help kids grow, embracing challenges with resilience and confidence, strengthening rather than depleting their unique character/personality....and becoming like trees growing deep roots, coping with any kind of weather.

My dream is to help raise luminous, loving & well-connected kids... and to raise consciousness on this beautiful planet we call earth.

I hope to see you on the journey.


The Great Quest in a nut shell

  • A journey to discover more about yourself and what it means to find your dharma!

  • Learn about the 5 layers of me:

    BODY - how to feed it, move it, care for it

    BREATH - our best friend, always there for us

    HEART - taking yoga off the mat into life

    MIND - becoming more mindful and aware

    SOUL - resting in stillness & accessing special spaces within

  • Experience all the different elements of yoga:

    - yoga stretches and postures

    - pranayama (breathing practices)

    - relaxation

    - meditation

    - visualisation

    - affirmation

  • 1:1 coaching call with Suzanna before the course starts.

  • Live zoom yoga class for mums and kids.

  • Weekly pre-recorded yoga class for mums to fill your cup.

  • Sharings from the beautiful story of Traya's Quest, by Paulette Agnew.

  • Weekly Videos and Playbook - focusing each week on one of the "layers of me".

  • Tracking sheet to keep motivated and so we don't get lost on our way!

  • 24-month access to all course material.

  • Opportunities to connect with other kids/families on The Great Quest!


© 2022 - The Yoga Garden - All Rights Reserved.